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Starboy is currently raising funds because he's poor. GET A JOB, YOU LOSER!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hey, everyone. I don't know how many of you were on the last drawthread, but I'd like to give an update...

First, good news. I've decided on the content for the doujinshi, and I'm making two of them for the con. One, story-based, will be Starboy and Gray's meeting, with lots of bondage and domination thrown in. The other, alternate-universe type, will have a bit of crossdressing, trappage, and blackmail involved, and one other story besides. The other alt-universe story will involve Stargirl in some way.

That being said, I had to up my donations. I want to be content with people sending me increments of one dollar, but Paypal takes a lot of my income. So when you give me a dollar, I'm getting 66 cents. Which sucks unicorn sack, but oh well. So now you can still donate whatever you like, but to receive a copy of the doujinshi you'll have to put in at least $5. $10 will get you both of them.

Now for the worse news. I was put in the hospital last Friday for severe anemia. In fact, I had to be taken in an ambulance because I passed out in a grocery store. Anyway, I don't know if you guys know how expensive an ambulance is, and that it's not covered by insurance, but SHIT SUCKS. Like, $600 worth of suck. So I had to increase the goal amount for our fundraiser, which I hate to do because you guys have been nice enough already. New goal is $1,000.

That's not to say that if I don't reach the goal that I just flat-out won't go to the con or give you guys the comics you paid for. I'll still do it. It's just that I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by how much I dished out just to get into the con, and I wasn't expecting to have to pay a $600 ambulance fee.

But! I have more good news. Starboy's going to be opening up a cute little shop soon.

Oh no, Starboy's selling out. Well, I'm trying not to. We're just adding some extra shit that I thought you guys might like. I'm going to be producing little doujinshis based on high-volume and popular requests, and even some for less popular kinks. For instance, I'll be making one for Starmom. Once I figure out the page I'll be selling digital copies for like. I dunno, ten bucks. Just cheap. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing requests for free. I always will, as long as Starboy is a thing, because I love to.

Anyway, thanks for listening to the rant. Here's some Starboy poledancing.

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