First, good news. I've decided on the content for the doujinshi, and I'm making two of them for the con. One, story-based, will be Starboy and Gray's meeting, with lots of bondage and domination thrown in. The other, alternate-universe type, will have a bit of crossdressing, trappage, and blackmail involved, and one other story besides. The other alt-universe story will involve Stargirl in some way.
That being said, I had to up my donations. I want to be content with people sending me increments of one dollar, but Paypal takes a lot of my income. So when you give me a dollar, I'm getting 66 cents. Which sucks unicorn sack, but oh well. So now you can still donate whatever you like, but to receive a copy of the doujinshi you'll have to put in at least $5. $10 will get you both of them.
That's not to say that if I don't reach the goal that I just flat-out won't go to the con or give you guys the comics you paid for. I'll still do it. It's just that I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by how much I dished out just to get into the con, and I wasn't expecting to have to pay a $600 ambulance fee.
But! I have more good news. Starboy's going to be opening up a cute little shop soon.
Oh no, Starboy's selling out. Well, I'm trying not to. We're just adding some extra shit that I thought you guys might like. I'm going to be producing little doujinshis based on high-volume and popular requests, and even some for less popular kinks. For instance, I'll be making one for Starmom. Once I figure out the page I'll be selling digital copies for like. I dunno, ten bucks. Just cheap. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing requests for free. I always will, as long as Starboy is a thing, because I love to.
Anyway, thanks for listening to the rant. Here's some Starboy poledancing.
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